Top 7 Most Common Fridge Issues

Top 7 Most Common Fridge Issues

Considering how many different elements conspire to keep your fridge and freezer running smoothly, it isn’t surprising that when something goes wrong, several different possibilities are often in play. This can get pretty frustrating. However, a lot of this frustration is simply born out of not knowing as much about our fridges as we should. We’re not saying you have to become an expert in all things related to your fridge. In fact, there are definitely problems that should involve calling the Ottawa fridge experts at Capital Appliance Repair.

At the same time, you can accomplish a lot on your own. A lot of that comes down to knowing the most common fridge problems.

Common Problems With Your Fridge To Look Out For
Don’t panic, if you find yourself dealing with a random problem from an unknown source. At the same time, don’t wait to deal with the problem. The longer you wait, the more damage that will likely do to your fridge, as it works harder and harder.

Keeping that in mind, here are the top 7 most common fridge issues to watch out for:

  1. The temperature of your fridge isn’t cold enough: This may quite possibly stand as the most common problem of them all. Cleaning your condenser coils with a specialized brush or vacuum cleaner can alleviate the problem. If that doesn’t work to your satisfaction, then call in the professionals.
  2. The icemaker isn’t working: This can be a small nightmare during the blistering summer months. Still, in general, you always want your ice machine to be working at its peak. In this situation, it is pretty likely that the ice motor module has seized up. If this is the problem, replacement is usually your best bet. It is also possible that the problem is actually your water inlet valve becoming clogged.
  3. The fridge isn’t working, even though the power is on: Before you let images of an expensive replacement fly through your head, consider the electronic control board. In the event of something stressful, such as a power surge, it can become damaged to one degree or another. Worn-out relays are another possibility, along with open circuits.
  4. Strange noises: These noises can vary from something that just sounds a little off, to noises that are intensely obnoxious. This is another common problem that involves your electronic control board. Check it for damage.
  5. Everything is freezing: This one is easy to diagnose. Turn the temperature dial all the way in one direction. If you don’t get the sound of something clicking on, the thermostat is likely defective.
  6. Frosty freezer: There is definitely such a thing as your freezer being way too cold. If you notice your freezer items are frosting over, check for a cracked seal along your freezer door. Your defrost sensor can also be a culprit. This is a particularly frustrating problem with older freezers.
  7. Stops running after a move: Ever moved into a new space, bringing your new fridge along with you? When you plug it in, and nothing happens, this is a problem. As you’re moving, make sure to keep your fridge as upright as possible. Lubricant moves from the compressor into your cooking pipes. This is something that can lead to a lot of performance issues.

Taking Care Of Your Fridge
The last thing in the world that most of us want to do is buy another fridge. This is one investment we don’t want to make several times, over the course of our lives. Our fridge experts can take care of anything you might be concerned about. Contact us today at (613) 454-1577.

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